How Independent Is Your Insurance Agent?

At Nobel Thomas, we are with you for life. Gain peace of mind in knowing we got you covered.

Critical Illness Cover

Sometimes even the healthiest people are diagnosed with illnesses they have little chance of preventing – like cancer. Critical Illness benefits are paid regardless of the life insured’s ability to work. The funds can be used for any purpose the Policy Owner chooses, whether for the reduction of debts, to seek specialist or alternative medical treatment, or make lifestyle changes (such as reducing working hours).

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance is an optional extra on Life insurance that protects your financial security if you’re never able to work again because of sickness or injury. TPD insurance helps you get on with your life and rehabilitation without having to worry about money. It pays a lump sum of up to $5 million that can be used to eliminate debts, pay out-of-pocket medical expenses and help you get any ongoing care you may need.

We're With You At Every Stage of Life

Young & Single

Protect your independance and ensure you can sustain your lifestyle if you become sick, or get injured.

Young Couples

Protect everything you and your partner are working towards, as you expand your financial responsibilities.

Young Families

It isn’t just about you anymore, it is about your responsibilities and knowing that your family is secure in your care.

Maturing Families

Protect and secure your wealth, as your household income starts to peak with kids getting older and your career becoming more secure.